Re: Convert integer to signed 32bits representation
Hi, I did it this way: The result of the crc32 calculation is always a integer with the length of 32. I presume the sign bit is on bit position 32 so i did it this way: (defconstant 2^31 (expt 2 31)) (defun uint32-to-sint32 (num) (if (< num 2^31) num ; bit 32 not set (- (- num 2^31))) ; bit 32 set (UINT32-TO-SINT32 2581689048) => -434205400 simon hickley sent me this (thanks simon) (defconstant 2^32 (expt 2 32)) (defun get-crc (num) (let ((val (rem num 2^32)) (sign (floor (coerce (/ num 2^32) 'float)))) (if (evenp sign) val (- val)))) (get-crc 2581689048) => 2581689048 and Paul sent this (also thanks paul: (logior (ash -1 31) 2581689048) => -1713278248 aha, but who's right? -- Met vriendelijke groet, Steven