Hi, I want to add some menu items of my own to the LWM4.3 editor's context menu. They appear as I would expect using the capi:pane-popup-menu-items -method. However, when I try to insert some text in the 'editor:current-buffer' it seems that the string is inserted in some other buffer instead the one I am working with. In my experience this seems to apply to interface menus as well, not just the context menu. Should I be doing something differently? Anybody tried this? (defmethod capi:pane-popup-menu-items ((self capi:editor-pane) (interface LISPWORKS-TOOLS:EDITOR)) (list* (make-instance 'capi:menu :title "Buffers" :items (list (make-instance 'capi:menu-item :title "Current Buffer String" :callback-type :none :selection-callback #'(lambda() (editor:insert-string (editor:current-point) (format () ";;;; Current buffer: ~a" (editor:current-buffer))))))) (call-next-method))) Regards, Mika