menus and menu-items
Hi, Am I missing something here? Can't get the menu-items to appear in the pop-up menu. Works, for example, with editor-pane and graph-pane: ;---- example: LWM4.3 ---- (defclass my-text-input-choice(capi:text-input-choice) ()) (capi:define-interface my-dialog () () (:panes (text-input-pane my-text-input-choice))) (defun my-callback(&rest args) args) (defmethod capi:pane-popup-menu-items ((self my-text-input-choice) (interface my-dialog)) (list* (make-instance 'capi:menu :title "Macros" :items (mapcar #'(lambda(x) (make-instance 'capi:menu-item :title x)) '("1" "2")) :selection-callback 'my-callback) (call-next-method))) (capi:display (make-instance 'my-dialog)) ;----- END ----- Another thing, is it possible to add menus/menu-items to the LispWorks main menubar so that they would be visible to all editors, the Listener and any subsequent capi-interface (a la Window menu, for example)? Regards, Mika