Buttons with images
I seem to be too dense to create buttons with images. The entry for the BUTTON class in the CAPI reference manual refers to the CAPI user guide where I should find more about generic images. I find nothing about generic images there. Hmm... So I tried to do it with MAKE-LOAD-FORM like it is in done in buttons.lisp in the examples folder but I only succeeded with the enabled image and I think this was pure luck. I managed to create create a DIB file with a small orange arrow surrounded by white and converted it as explained above. Now I have a grey button with an orange arrow on it - fine. The fact that the white pixels "disappear", i.e. are replaced with the button's own color, seems to be dependent on the TRANSPARENT-COLOR-INDEX slot of the EXTERNAL-IMAGE. Needless to say this slot isn't explained in the GP reference entry for EXTERNAL-IMAGE. What I found out by experimenting is that the enabled image looks like it should if I set the TRANSPARENT-COLOR-INDEX to 1. If I set it to 0 I get a grey arrow instead. Hmm... The disabled image doesn't work at all. Most of the time I just get grey squares. I guess (but I may be totally wrong) that the disabled image isn't just displayed but somehow overlayed on top of the enabled image. Anybody out there who can help? Thanks, Edi.