RE: capi and remote listeners
The issue appears to be our custom toplevel function. I ran your example without providing a toplevel function and history works. If I provide a toplevel that simply does the following: (defun kbsd-toplevel (interface pane strm) (loop (princ (eval (read strm)) strm))) I get the behavior originally reported. So, what is the proper way to define a custom toplevel function? #'dey -----Original Message----- From: David Fox [] Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 1:05 PM To: Cc: Subject: Re: capi and remote listeners Hi Dave. That made sense to me; but alas, it doesn't solve the problem. Basically, I have this: (define-interface administrator () (...) (:panes (...) (kbsd-listener listener-pane :top-level-function #'kbsd-toplevel :enabled nil :reader kbsd-listener)) ...) (defmethod capi:interface-keys-style ((self administrator)) :emacs) When I start the app, my interface-keys-style method gets called, but the behavior of the listener doesn't change. Note that initially, the listener pane is disabled. It's enabled programatically once a connection is made. I don't think the enabled state is relevant, though you should take care to set it in the correct process. What do you think? Works for me in the LispWorks IDE with this code: (capi:define-interface administrator () () (:panes (kbsd-listener capi:listener-pane ; :top-level-function #'kbsd-toplevel :enabled nil :reader kbsd-listener)) ) (defmethod capi:interface-keys-style ((self administrator)) :emacs) CL-USER 7 > (setf administrator (capi:contain (make-instance 'administrator))) #<ADMINISTRATOR "Untitled LispWorks Interface - 9" 205F96D4> CL-USER 8 > (capi:execute-with-interface administrator #'(lambda (self) (setf (capi:simple-pane-enabled (kbsd-listener self)) t)) administrator) NIL Now M-P works in the administrator listener window. If you are delivering a standalone application you need to pass the DELIVER keyword :EDITOR-STYLE :EMACS to override the platform default, and at high deliver levels it seems you need to ensure that the required editor functionality is retained. Here's example code and a DELIVER script that produces an administrator listener application in which M-P works: ---------------------- administrator.lisp ---------------------------- (in-package CL-USER) (capi:define-interface administrator () () (:panes (kbsd-listener capi:listener-pane :enabled nil :reader kbsd-listener))) (defmethod capi:interface-keys-style ((self administrator)) :emacs) (defun set-enabled (self on) (setf (capi:simple-pane-enabled (kbsd-listener self)) on)) (defun start-administrator () (let ((administrator (capi:display (make-instance 'administrator)))) (sleep 1) (capi:execute-with-interface administrator 'set-enabled administrator t))) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ deliver.lisp -------------------------------- (in-package "CL-USER") (load-all-patches) (load (current-pathname "administrator" "fsl")) (deliver 'start-administrator "administrator" 5 :interface :capi :keep-top-level t :editor-style :emacs :editor-commands-to-keep '(:simple-editor :tools)) (quit) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Fox Xanalys Compass House Vision Park Chivers Way Histon Cambridge CB4 9AD England Email: Tel: +44 1223 253793 Fax: +44 1223 257812 These opinions are not necessarily those of Xanalys.