using functions from the EDITOR package
There are various useful functions documented in the EDITOR package, like EDITOR:PROMPT-FOR-FILE &c. Is there any way of establishing a context other than with DEFCOMMAND where these can be used? What I want to do is avoid having to define all sorts of commands, but call these things from an interactive loop. This does not work, because the function thinks that there is no echo area. CALL-EDITOR is no good (I think) because I want to pass complicated arguments. (define-interface listener-test () () (:panes (listener interactive-pane :echo-area-pane echo-area :min-width '(character 80) :min-height '(character 15) :top-level-function #'(lambda (i p s) (declare (ignore i p)) (let ((*standard-input* s) (*standard-output* s) (*error-output* s) (*trace-output* s) (*debug-io* s) (*query-io* s))) (loop for x = (editor:prompt-for-file :prompt "foo") do (pprint x s)))) (echo-area echo-area-pane :max-height t)) (:default-initargs :title "Gub")) Thanks --tim