capi layouts via tab key
How can I control which panes of a layout are tab stops? __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
How can I control which panes of a layout are tab stops? __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
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(contain (make-instance 'button-panel :button-class 'push-button :items '(one two three))) I want to make my own button class to use it in a button panel. But :button-class seems to be ignored even when I give it 'push-button. The buttons shown in the panel above are radio buttons. Am I using :button-class wrong? __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
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I used the previous hints/suggestions to make a push button panel which shouldn't accept focus. The Lisp code is below. The result is that there is no indication of focus on any of the buttons. But that's only temporary. As soon as I press the tab key, one of the buttons shows the visible indication of focus. And the space bar will then cause that button to show itself being pressed, which is another indication of focus. But the visible indication of focus partly disappears if the button redraws (e.g. after being covered by another window temporarily.) I also tried setting the accepts-focus-p slots to nil, in both the buttons and the panel, but that made no difference. What is the accepts-focus-p slot for if it uses the accepts-focus-p method? And what else should I do to make it never accept focus at all, so the tab key will always bypass all the buttons? (defclass nf-push-button (push-button) ()) (defmethod accepts-focus-p ((x nf-push-button)) nil) (contain (make-instance 'button-panel :button-class 'nf-push-button :interaction :no-selection :items '(one two three))) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
"Marc Battyani" <> writes: > As anybody succeeded on getting LWL 4.3 working on Debian Woody ? > The Motif version is not the good one. It's 2.1 and LWL4.3 wants 2.2. During the beta testing I got complaints from LWL about version 2.1, but it appeared to work anyway. Haven't had time to try 4.3 final yet :-( -- (espen)