Re: LW (OS X) questions
Our research team here at Sibelius Academy, Finland, has been
developing a visual programming language called PWGL (based on Lisp and
OpenGL) for a few years now. We have also developed a music notation
program called ENP (also with LISP and OpenGL), a musical constraint
satisfaction programs, a software synthesis package, etc. All having a
Lisp based GUI and high level control. We have been MCL users for over
a decade now and only recently switched from MCL to LispWorks in OS X.
So far we have been concentrating on learning the new Lisp-system and
porting our existing code to LispWorks. Things are shaping up quite
nicely at the moment. We already have pretty much all the code ported.
There are, however, some questions that come to mind.
1) About key gestures. Here's some example code to I have tried to run:
defclass type-in-pane(capi:output-pane)
(capi:define-interface interface-event-handler-mixin ()
(:panes (type-in-pane type-in-pane
:min-width 200
:min-height 100
:input-model '((:character
capi-interface-key-event-handler)) ; or (:key :press)
:reader type-in-pane)))
(defmethod capi-interface-key-event-handler((self type-in-pane) x y
(capi:display-tooltip self :x x :y y :text (format () "You
typed:~%~s" char))
(print char))
(capi:display (make-instance 'interface-event-handler-mixin))
Should the code above print (and give tooltip) for every character
Only ones I keep getting are some special keys (e.g., Return,
Escape, ETX etc.). I have not seen any, for example, alphabetic
characters yet, unless I hold down the <Control> key.
If this is the correct behaviour what would be the method to get an
individual key press (say pressing just 'a') to get through?
It's a bug and will be patched.
However we want to move away from :CHARACTER in the input-model (since
the character bit attributes used to reprsent modifers are not
portable) and the new approach will be the currently undocumented
:GESTURE-SPEC which portable supports modifiers.
This works for me in LispWorks for Macintosh 4.3.6:
(capi:define-interface interface-event-handler-mixin2 ()
(:panes (type-in-pane type-in-pane
:min-width 200
:min-height 100
capi-interface-key-event-handler2)) ; or (:key :press)
:reader type-in-pane)))
(defmethod capi-interface-key-event-handler2((self type-in-pane) x y
(let ((charstring (with-output-to-string (ss)
(sys::print-pretty-gesture-spec gspec ss))))
(capi:display-tooltip self :x x :y y
:text (format () "You typed:~%~a" charstring))
(print charstring)))
(capi:display (make-instance 'interface-event-handler-mixin2))
2) There are some cases in our software that we need to know about the
size and position of some windows that are by default hidden. For
(defparameter *test-interface* (make-instance 'capi:interface :width
100 :height 200))
(multiple-value-bind (x y w h)
(capi:top-level-interface-geometry *test-interface*))
---------- ERROR -----------
No applicable methods for #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION
10330822> with args (NIL)
What would be the proper way to get the position and size of a window
that is not 'displayed'?
The terms 'hidden' and 'not displayed' are not really equivalent.
Here's how I'd do it:
(defparameter *test-interface*
(capi:display (make-instance 'capi:interface
:width 100 :height 200
:display-state :hidden)))
#'(lambda (interface)
(multiple-value-bind (x y w h)
(capi:top-level-interface-geometry interface)
(print (list x y w h ))))
(capi:execute-with-interface *test-interface*
#'(setf capi:top-level-interface-display-state)
:normal *test-interface*)
3) (capi:prompt-for-directory "Choose Directory:") returns the pathname
correctly when called from a Listener window. When I evaluate this in
an Editor, however, it returns NIL?
It looks like this is problem in Cocoa (or the way the we are using
it) when the dialog is standalone rather than dropping down from a
window. It should work provided that there is a window for the dialog
to drop down from.
4) Also (using Finnish keyboard layout) it is impossible to save a file
with a euro sign in it! ERROR: #\ is not of type BASE-CHAR.
This is caused by the default external format of the buffer being
:LATIN-1. You can switch to another encoding e.g. :MACOS-ROMAN,
:UNICODE, or :UTF-8, by configuring LispWorks as follows:
;; This makes the editor choose UTF-8 when reading files
(setf (editor:variable-value "Input Format Default")
;; This makes the editor write UTF-8 LF-terminated files
(setf (editor:variable-value "Output Format Default")
'(:utf-8 :eol-style :lf))
You can also use Meta+X Set External Format in the editor to change
the setting for the current buffer.
5) And finally... if you type a colon (:) in an editor as the first
character the LW seems to freeze?
That's a known bug, will be patched.
Sorry about the lengthy message ;-)
Kind regards,
Mika Kuuskankare
BTW. Dave Fox, I recently did seem to have trouble sending a bug report
(I keep getting Mail undeliverable messages) so there are some things
here that I tried to make a bug report of but failed.
We are not aware of any problem receiving mail at (and we get plenty of it). Do show me the
bounce message if it looks like something went wrong at our end.
Dave Fox
Compass House
Vision Park, Chivers Way
Cambridge, CB4 9AD