Delivered editor panes in 4.3 vs. 4.2
Hi! The following two programs basically have the same code but the first one was delivered with LW 4.2.7, the second one with LW 4.3.6: <> <> Both were delivered with the same delivery script (level 5) and the EDITOR-COMMANDS-TO-KEEP keyword argument includes commands like "Beginning Of Buffer Extending Selection" and "End Of Buffer Extending Selection" which are available as Shift-HOME and Shift-END on Windows. However, these commands are only available in the 4.2 version, none of the Shift commands to extend a selection work in the 4.3 version. What's the reason for this? Do I have to check my code or is this a known issue with 4.3? Maybe I have to provide more options to the DELIVER function? Thanks, Edi.