Hi Dave! On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 18:34:54 +0100, David Fox <davef@xanalys.com> wrote: > Start collecting data. This should always be the first step when > addressing any GC-related problem. Yes, I did that already. That was where my "layman analysis" came from. > Use periodic calls to (ROOM), or intersperse these calls in your > large form. That won't help because the problem happens at read time. > It sounds like there is a self-contained test case: if so, we want > to see that as well. I had a test case which was too complicated but know I have one which is rather simple. Below is a file "foo.lisp". Compile it and load it, then evaluate, say, (TEST 1000). On my machine (LW 4.2.7 pro Linux) I get these results: --------------- Starting test 1 --------------- Timing the evaluation of (LOAD "foo-test-1.lisp") ; Loading text file /home/edi/cl-interpol/foo-test-1.lisp user time = 0.613 system time = 0.000 Elapsed time = 0:00:01 Allocation = 69424 bytes standard / 22035288 bytes fixlen 0 Page faults Generation 0: Total Size 524K, Allocated 233K, Free 282K Generation 1: Total Size 2754K, Allocated 173K, Free 2564K Generation 2: Total Size 2198K, Allocated 1143K, Free 1046K Generation 3: Total Size 17529K, Allocated 17053K, Free 459K Total Size 23002K, Allocated 18604K, Free 4352K Generation 0: Total Size 524K, Allocated 24K, Free 491K Generation 1: Total Size 2754K, Allocated 173K, Free 2564K Generation 2: Total Size 2198K, Allocated 1143K, Free 1046K Generation 3: Total Size 17529K, Allocated 17053K, Free 459K Total Size 23002K, Allocated 18395K, Free 4561K --------------- Starting test 2 --------------- Timing the evaluation of (LOAD "foo-test-2.lisp") ; Loading text file /home/edi/cl-interpol/foo-test-2.lisp user time = 15.468 system time = 0.050 Elapsed time = 0:00:15 Allocation = 70168 bytes standard / 22035343 bytes fixlen 0 Page faults Generation 0: Total Size 524K, Allocated 265K, Free 250K Generation 1: Total Size 24258K, Allocated 21037K, Free 3088K Generation 2: Total Size 2198K, Allocated 1635K, Free 554K Generation 3: Total Size 17529K, Allocated 17053K, Free 459K Total Size 44506K, Allocated 39992K, Free 4352K Generation 0: Total Size 524K, Allocated 70K, Free 445K Generation 1: Total Size 24258K, Allocated 1473K, Free 22652K Generation 2: Total Size 2198K, Allocated 1143K, Free 1046K Generation 3: Total Size 17529K, Allocated 17053K, Free 459K Total Size 44506K, Allocated 19741K, Free 24603K I think this matches my assumption from my initial email. Note how in the first test generations 1 to 3 haven't changed while in the second test almost 20MB went into generation 1, and generation 2 also grew a bit. Also note the timing difference (a factor of 25) although the files differ only in two lines. Does that suffice? Cheers, Edi. ------------------ foo.lisp ------------------- (defun cons-a-lot (n) (if (zerop n) (list 'progn) `(progn ,(cons-a-lot (1- n))))) (defun foo-reader (stream char arg) (declare (ignore arg char)) (cons-a-lot (* 100 (loop for char = (peek-char nil stream t nil t) while (alphanumericp char) do (read-char stream t nil t) count t)))) (defun test (n) (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\? #'foo-reader) (format t "~&---------------~%~ Starting test 1~%~ ---------------~%") (force-output) (with-open-file (s "foo-test-1.lisp" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (loop for i below n do (format s "#?eeeeeeeeee~%"))) (hcl:mark-and-sweep 3) (time (load "foo-test-1.lisp")) (room) (hcl:mark-and-sweep 3) (room) (format t "~&---------------~%~ Starting test 2~%~ ---------------~%") (force-output) (with-open-file (s "foo-test-2.lisp" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "(progn~%") (loop for i below n do (format s "#?eeeeeeeeee~%")) (format s ")~%")) (hcl:mark-and-sweep 3) (time (load "foo-test-2.lisp")) (room) (hcl:mark-and-sweep 3) (room) (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\? nil)) ------------------ foo.lisp -------------------
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