Re: Saving from the listener
On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 11:37:34 +0100, Guenther Schmidt <> wrote:
> is it possible to save all the stuff you've developed in the
> listener. I mean let's presume I wouldn't use the editor for
> developing but rather typing everything into the listener.
> Developing starting with "defpackage...", "in-package..." and so on,
> at some point I would like to save the package somehow.
Look up the function SAVE-IMAGE in the LW reference manual, this is
more or less what you're looking for. ("More or less" because it
won't, for example, save your listener history IIRC.)
> I just got my LWW 4.3 Pro and printed most of the documentation, but
> I couldn't find a hint on how to do this. The documentation seems to
> suggest to use the editor instead putting everything into
> files. Which is exactly what I do not want to do. I mean the
> interactive development (the listener) is one of the best things
> about Lisp, why using the editing files, compile, run approach?
You can write your definitions into files and still work interactively
- you don't have to LOAD a whole file at once. For example, you can
put the cursor behind a DEFUN form and then type C-x C-e (for
"Evaluate Last Form") - now the corresponding function is defined in
your image. Or use "Compile Defun" (not bound to a key sequence by
default) or similar functionality. See the "Editor User Guide."
> I'm new to both CL and LWW.
Great! Much fun ahead for you!
Good luck,