Hi, I'm attempting to use a 3rd-party COM object from within Lisp. I can get/put properties and (so far) invoke methods with fixed type arguments. I'm stuck at invoking a method with an "[in, optional] VARIANT" argument. When I supply a string to the method, just to fuzz it, I get: Error: "a-string" cannot be converted to foreign-type (:STRUCT :TAG-VARIANT) So I think I need to FLI:ALLOCATE-FOREIGN-OBJECT something, and use it as the parameter, but I don't know what this something is. Hints appreciated. Cheers. -- Ng Pheng Siong <> ________________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs Email Security System. For more information on a proactive email security service working around the clock, around the globe, visit ________________________________________________________________________