Hello, If I have the following definitions : (fli:define-c-struct (mt-timestamp (:foreign-name "xxx")) (year mt-short) (month mt-short) (day mt-short) (hour mt-short) (minute mt-short) (second mt-short) (microsecs mt-integer)) (fli:define-c-typedef (mt-timestamp (:foreign-name "xxx")) (:struct mt-timestamp)) (defclass mh-timestamp () ((fs :initform (let ((fs (fli:allocate-dynamic-foreign-object :type 'mt- timestamp))) (setf (fli:foreign-slot-value fs 'microsecs) 0) (setf (fli:foreign-slot-value fs 'second) 0) (setf (fli:foreign-slot-value fs 'minute) 0) (setf (fli:foreign-slot-value fs 'hour) 0) (setf (fli:foreign-slot-value fs 'day) 1) (setf (fli:foreign-slot-value fs 'month) 1) (setf (fli:foreign-slot-value fs 'year) 2003) fs ) )) ) I suppose, that if I write in the listener CL-USER 77 > (fli:with-dynamic-foreign-objects () (setq x (make-instance 'mh- timestamp)) x) #<MH-TIMESTAMP 205F28E4> CL-USER 78 > (inspect x) #<MH-TIMESTAMP 205F28E4> is a MH-TIMESTAMP FS #<Pointer to type MT-TIMESTAMP = #x007C4208> I see that the pointer 'FS is not NIL. Why? I have allocated it with 'FLI:WITH-DYNAMIC-FOREIGN-OBJECTS and now I'm out of its scope. If I further write: CL-USER 13 > (fli:with-dynamic-foreign-objects () (setq x (make-instance 'mh- timestamp)) x) #<MH-TIMESTAMP 205E9B14> CL-USER 14 > (fli:foreign-slot-value (slot-value x 'fs) 'year) 2003 CL-USER 15 > (fli:foreign-slot-value (slot-value x 'fs) 'year) 2003 CL-USER 16 > x #<MH-TIMESTAMP 205E9B14> CL-USER 17 > (fli:foreign-slot-value (slot-value x 'fs) 'year) 2003 But if I start now the graphical inspector I see meaningless values for the slots of 'FS CL-USER 18 > x #<MH-TIMESTAMP 205E9B14> CL-USER 19 > :gi CL-USER 20 > (fli:foreign-slot-value (slot-value x 'fs) 'year) 221619568 What does this mean? Can somebody help me to see what I'm missing in my understanding about CLOS and FLI? With best regards