Animation with OpenGL and CAPI
Well I'm stranded, I get the OpenGL example compiled but do not understand on how OpenGL and CAPI work together. I can write an own display function, but in this I assume I have to use a timer which waits for a while and than redisplay the moved element is that right? Does that mean I have to write something simular ot the ballon stuff for CAPI? (defun animate-balloons (sky) (with-slots (timer) sky (setf timer (mp:make-timer #'(lambda (sky) (capi:execute-with-interface sky #'(lambda (sky) (with-slots (balloons) sky (dolist (balloon balloons) (animate-balloon balloon)) )) sky)) sky)) (mp:schedule-timer timer 0.0 0.05))) It would be nice if someone had an idea for this simple problem. Show a rotating triangle. Regards Friedrich