Problem with locally, let and optimization
I use LispWorks 4.2.7 under Windows NT
I am having strange trouble with the compiler and locally and let. I
think there is a problem, or I don't understand how to use locally.
Does everyone get the same output for the two these? Or do you get
different output, like I do. Shouldn't these give the same output?
;; slow version
(disassemble (compile nil '(lambda (a b)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (float 0) (safety 0))
(type double-float a)
(type double-float b))
(the double-float (+ a b))))))
;; fast version -- only boxes the result.
(disassemble (compile nil '(lambda (a b)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (float 0) (safety
(type double-float a)
(type double-float b))
(the double-float (+ a b))
See the bottom for my output. I thought these should be the same, as I think
the programs "mean" the same thing.
I found this out because I tried doing this:
(defmacro fast (&rest x)
`(locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (float 0) (debug 0)))
and then found out that it actually made my stuff worse, relative to
throwing in (declare (optimiz.....))
This makes me wonder, am I misunderstanding "locally"? I thought it
was for exactly this sort of thing.
Another thing: these two give me different output.
(disassemble (compile nil '(lambda (x)
((i-am-a-superfluous-variable-that-slows-down-everything 0.0d0))
(declare (optimize (float 0) (speed 3)
(safety 0))
(type double-float x))
(the double-float
(+ 3.0d0 x
(the double-float (* x x ) )
(the double-float (/ x 3.1230d0))))))))
(disassemble (compile nil '(lambda (x)
(declare (optimize (float 0) (speed 3) (safety
(type double-float x))
(the double-float
(+ 3.0d0 x
(the double-float (* x x ) )
(the double-float (/ x 3.1230d0)))))))
Here is my transcript:
CL-USER 1 > (disassemble (compile nil '(lambda (a b)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (float 0) (safety 0))
(type double-float a)
(type double-float b))
(the double-float (+ a b))))))
; Loading fasl file C:\Program
; Loading fasl file C:\Program
0: 80FD02 cmpb ch, 2
3: 7521 jne L2
5: 3B25BC150020 cmp esp, [200015BC] ; T
11: 7619 jbe L2
13: 55 push ebp
14: 89E5 move ebp, esp
16: 50 push eax
17: 8B4DFC move ecx, [ebp-4]
20: 0A4D08 orb cl, [ebp+8]
23: 7512 jne L3
25: 8B4508 move eax, [ebp+8]
28: 0345FC add eax, [ebp-4]
31: 700A jo L3
L1: 33: FD std
34: C9 leave
35: C20400 ret 4
L2: 38: E8ED3BA2FF call 2004602A ; #<function
L3: 43: FF7508 push [ebp+8]
46: 8B45FC move eax, [ebp-4]
49: E802593300 call 20957D4A ; #<function
54: EBE9 jmp L1
56: 90 nop
57: 90 nop
CL-USER 2 > (disassemble (compile nil '(lambda (a b)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (float 0) (safety
(type double-float a)
(type double-float b))
(the double-float (+ a b))
0: 55 push ebp
1: 89E5 move ebp, esp
3: 83EC14 sub esp, 14
6: C7042445140000 move [esp], 1445
13: 50 push eax
14: 8B7D08 move edi, [ebp+8]
17: DD4704 fldl [edi+4]
20: 8B7DE8 move edi, [ebp-18]
23: DD4704 fldl [edi+4]
26: DEC1 faddp st(1), st
28: DD5DF8 fstpl [ebp-8]
31: B500 moveb ch, 0
33: FF15C0770F20 call [200F77C0] ;
39: DD45F8 fldl [ebp-8]
42: DD5804 fstpl [eax+4]
45: C9 leave
46: C20400 ret 4
49: 90 nop
CL-USER 3 > (disassemble (compile nil '(lambda (x)
((i-am-a-superfluous-variable-that-slows-down-everything 0.0d0))
(declare (optimize (float 0) (speed 3)
(safety 0))
(type double-float x))
(the double-float
(+ 3.0d0 x
(the double-float (* x x ) )
(the double-float (/ x 3.1230d0))))))))
;;;*** Warning between functions:
0: 80FD01 cmpb ch, 1
3: 0F8592000000 jne L4
9: 3B25BC150020 cmp esp, [200015BC] ; T
15: 0F8686000000 jbe L4
21: 55 push ebp
22: 89E5 move ebp, esp
24: 83EC14 sub esp, 14
27: C7042445140000 move [esp], 1445
34: 50 push eax
35: 50 push eax
36: 50 push eax
37: 50 push eax
38: 807DE800 cmpb [ebp-18], 0
42: 7574 jne L5
44: 8B75E8 move esi, [ebp-18]
47: 8975E4 move [ebp-1C], esi
50: C17DE408 sar [ebp-1C], 8
54: 8B75E4 move esi, [ebp-1C]
57: 0FAF75E8 imul esi, [ebp-18]
61: 8975E4 move [ebp-1C], esi
64: 705E jo L5
L1: 66: FF75E8 push [ebp-18]
69: B834EA3F21 move eax, 213FEA34 ; 3.123
74: E841876500 call 20C52DDA ; #<function
79: 8945DC move [ebp-24], eax
82: B9A4E73F21 move ecx, 213FE7A4 ; 3.0
87: 0A4DE8 orb cl, [ebp-18]
90: 7554 jne L6
92: BEA4E73F21 move esi, 213FE7A4 ; 3.0
97: 0375E8 add esi, [ebp-18]
100: 8975E0 move [ebp-20], esi
103: 7047 jo L6
L2: 105: 8B7DE4 move edi, [ebp-1C]
108: DD4704 fldl [edi+4]
111: 8B7DDC move edi, [ebp-24]
114: DD4704 fldl [edi+4]
117: DEC1 faddp st(1), st
119: DD5DF8 fstpl [ebp-8]
122: B500 moveb ch, 0
124: FF15C0770F20 call [200F77C0] ;
130: DD45F8 fldl [ebp-8]
133: DD5804 fstpl [eax+4]
136: 89C1 move ecx, eax
138: 0A4DE0 orb cl, [ebp-20]
141: 7533 jne L7
143: 8B7DE0 move edi, [ebp-20]
146: 03F8 add edi, eax
148: 702C jo L7
L3: 150: FD std
151: 89F8 move eax, edi
153: C9 leave
154: C3 ret
L4: 155: E840B9A4FF call 2004602A ; #<function
L5: 160: FF75E8 push [ebp-18]
163: 8B45E8 move eax, [ebp-18]
166: E82DD63500 call 20957D22 ; #<function
171: 8945E4 move [ebp-1C], eax
174: EB92 jmp L1
L6: 176: 68A4E73F21 push 213FE7A4 ; 3.0
181: 8B45E8 move eax, [ebp-18]
184: E843D63500 call 20957D4A ; #<function
189: 8945E0 move [ebp-20], eax
192: EBA7 jmp L2
L7: 194: FF75E0 push [ebp-20]
197: E836D63500 call 20957D4A ; #<function
202: 89C7 move edi, eax
204: EBC8 jmp L3
CL-USER 4 > (disassemble (compile nil '(lambda (x)
(declare (optimize (float 0) (speed 3) (safety
(type double-float x))
(the double-float
(+ 3.0d0 x
(the double-float (* x x ) )
(the double-float (/ x 3.1230d0)))))))
0: 55 push ebp
1: 89E5 move ebp, esp
3: 83EC24 sub esp, 24
6: C7042445240000 move [esp], 2445
13: 50 push eax
14: 8B7DD8 move edi, [ebp-28]
17: DD4704 fldl [edi+4]
20: DD55F8 fstl [ebp-8]
23: DCC8 fmul st(0), st
25: DD5DF0 fstpl [ebp-10]
28: DD0558136220 fldl [20621358] ; 3.123
34: DC7DF8 fdivrl [ebp-8]
37: DD5DE8 fstpl [ebp-18]
40: DD05C8106220 fldl [206210C8] ; 3.0
46: DC45F8 faddl [ebp-8]
49: DD5DF8 fstpl [ebp-8]
52: DD45F0 fldl [ebp-10]
55: DC45E8 faddl [ebp-18]
58: DC45F8 faddl [ebp-8]
61: DD5DF8 fstpl [ebp-8]
64: B500 moveb ch, 0
66: FF15C0770F20 call [200F77C0] ;
72: DD45F8 fldl [ebp-8]
75: DD5804 fstpl [eax+4]
78: C9 leave
79: C3 ret
80: 90 nop
81: 90 nop