Editing/compiling Unicode programs
Hi, I'm writing a Unicode program, i.e. a program whose source text uses the UCS-2 character encoding. I've managed to tell the editor that files with an extension of "ulisp" use the UCS-2 character encoding and that it should use the Lisp major mode for such files. Unfortunately, whenever I save such a file the editor automatically inserts a Byte Order Mark (#xFEFF) in front of the file. That would not be a problem by itself, but when I try to compile & load a file starting with the BOM, the compiler gives the following warning: ;;;*** Warning in (TOP-LEVEL-FORM 2): <FEFF> assumed special and then the loader tells me: The variable ? is unbound. (I suppose that ? means the BOM here.) When I remove the BOM from the file (with another editor), it compiles and loads normally. So my question is: - Is there a way to tell the editor not to insert a BOM? - Or, even better, is there a way to tell the compiler that the BOM should be ignored (or treated as whitespace, or something like that)? I've tried setting SYSTEM:*EXTENDED-SPACES* to T, but that doesn't help. Thanks in advance for any replies. Arthur Lemmens