Interface update
Hi, I have a little question. I've got an interface object defined by the following class: (capi:define-interface main-interface () ((browser :accessor browser :initarg :browser) (library-structure :accessor library-structure :initarg :library-structure)) (:panes ...blablabla....) (:layouts (main-tab-layout capi:tab-layout '(tree-pane-1) :items (list (list "Browser" browser) (list "Library's Structure" library-structure)) :visible-child-function 'second :print-function 'car :selection 0)) (etc etc etc...)) ---> end of interface I create a new interface by assigning 2 objects to the browser and library-structure this: (setf aa (make-instance 'capi:output-pane :background :red)) (setf bb (make-instance 'capi:output-pane :background :blue)) (setf it (make-instance 'main-interface :browser aa :library-structure bb)) (capi:contain it) Now, the problem I've got is that I do the following somewhere else in the application: (defun import-callback (data interface) (let ((path-name (capi:prompt-for-file "Choose a structure file:" :filter "*.st" :filters '("All Files" "*.*"))) (test-instance (make-tester))) (if (not (null path-name)) (let ((sr (test-1 test-instance (namestring path-name)))) (setf (library-structure interface) (tree-generator (dimensions sr))) ********** HERE (capi:redisplay-interface interface)) ********** HERE nil))) this import-callback function is invoked by selecting "import" in the menu of the interface defined above (it doesn't appear in this mail because it's too long). The problem is that I try to assign to the slot library-structure of the interface a new value (I can do it), but the problem is that it doesn't update the interface. The function "tree-generator generates a tree-view with the results. I know that the function and the results work, because if I add a capi:contain in the same tree-generator function I get a new window with the tree I calculated. Does anyone know how to update the interface with the new value of the library-structure slot of the interface? thanks in advance for your time, regards, Miro Casanova