Common SQL
Here we go. Assume I have this classes.. (not really tested but just to get some code. (def-view-class foo () ((foo-id :db-kind :key :type integer) (bar :accessor foo-bar :db-kind :join :db-info (:join-class bar :home-key foo-id :foreign-key bar-id :set nil))) (:base-table foo)) (def-view-class bar () ((bar-id :db-kind :key :type integer) (foo :accessor bar-foo :db-kind :join :db-info (:join-class foo :home-key bar-id :foreign-key foo-id :set nil))) (:base-table bar)) How do I build a connecton from foo to bar and back and how to break it cleanly? CommonSQL maps all to UPPERCASE so if I have a bar here it will get mapped to a table BAR. How can I change that to force it kept downcase? I do not want to write |bar|, which obviously does work. Now to my critique. The quality of the Documentation is IMHO especially about CommonSQL very bad. The only example I found was just the class declaration in the Reference Manual but no-where did I find and example on how to use that classes. I would think that improving the documentation should move up on the priority list from Xanalys. At least I would expect that Document strings are used. It's really nerving to have to figure out how things working but just looking at their name. Regards Friedrich