Need help with efficient passing of strings via FLI
Dear Lisp Huggers,
I have a question concerning the intricacies of LW's FLI.
Here's the setup: I'm thinking of writing a set of FLI bindings
for Sleepycat's Berkeley DB ( based
on the code published by Paul Foley (
That code currently only runs on CMUCL.
That code has function which look like this:
(defun db-get (db key &optional datum default
&key (start 0) end db-start db-end for-update
(transaction *transaction*) (flags 0))
... body... )
The idea is you do things like:
(db-get db "foo") => "bar"
But also, if you need to be really efficient (which I do)
you have some buffer buf, which you reuse, and which you
send in as the field DATUM.
(db-get db "foo" buf) => "bar"
buf => "bar"
Okay. Now, db-get is implemented to call the following foreign function,
(def-alien-routine ("dbx_get" %db-get) c-call:int
(handle sys:system-area-pointer)
(key c-call:c-string)
(kstart c-call:unsigned-int)
(kend c-call:unsigned-int)
(datum c-call:c-string)
(dstart c-call:unsigned-int)
(dend c-call:unsigned-int)
(txnid sys:system-area-pointer)
(partial c-call:int)
(start c-call:unsigned-int)
(end c-call:unsigned-int)
(flags c-call:unsigned-int)
(result sys:system-area-pointer :out)
(rlength c-call:unsigned-int :out))
This all seems reasonable, except for one thing: What to do
with the c-call:c-string bits.
So far, all I have to work on are the FLI doc and entry 17004
in LW's knowlegebase, entitled:
What to do about "Cannot pass foreign aggregate type :EF-MB-STRING" errors
With that as a basis, I'm thinking of writing something like this:
(define-foreign-function (%db-get "dbx_get")
((handle (:pointer :void))
(key (:reference-pass (:ef-mb-string :limit +key-limit-size+)))
(kstart (:unsigned :int))
(kend (:unsigned :int))
(datum (:reference (:ef-mb-string :limit +datum-limit-size+)))
(dstart (:unsigned :int))
(dend (:unsigned :int))
(txnid (:pointer :void))
;; Rest omitted...
:result-type :int)
Where the hope is to indicate:
a) that the key is passed "read-only"
b) that the datum is writable by C
c) that, when Lisp arranges for %db-get to be called, the actual
memory buffers used by the lisp strings are what is sent to C
(i.e. there is not consing in either direction)
d) let C coerce the actual DB* to/from void*.
AFAIK, all 3 of a, b, c and d are probably wrong, and I would very much
value your collective inputs. :-) So far, writing little test
destructive functions in C, I am just getting segmentation violations,
so clearly I'm missing (at least one) step.
Am I on the right track?
p.s. Finally, note that this code will be given back on the same terms as
Paul's original code.
Alain Picard