[Q] redisplaying the items of a choice widget
Hello, Is it possible to redisplay the items of a choice widget (e.g. LIST-PANEL) without having to change the COLLECTION-ITEMS slot? e.g: (setq items '(foo bar biz)) (setq items-view (make-instance 'capi:list-panel :items items)) (capi:contain items-view) (setf (car items) 'quux) Ideally, at this point I'd like to be able to say something like: (redisplay items-view) and have the `items-view' LIST-PANEL redraw the visible items. A broader question would be whether any kind of observer functionality is implemented in the CAPI widgets? The context for this question is that I'm trying to put together some Model and View classes (per the Model-View-Controller pattern). Thanks. -ram