graph-pane vs. parse tree
I want to display a parse tree as a graph, but the results I get using capi:graph-pane confuse me. The tree is of the form '((= (+ (- a b) c))). I get a tree, where the root node displays as the full expression "(= (+ (- a b) c))" using the code below. I want each node to display only the "token" (the car of the list, e.g. "=", "+", etc) but the docs don't give me a hint on how to control the format of the node text (or, I misunderstand how to use graph-pane). Thanks pt (please reply to (defun node-children (node) (if (listp node) (rest node) (if (eq 'lsym (type-of node)) (list (lsym-name node)) (if (eq 'ltype (type-of node)) (list (ltype-kind node) (ltype-name node)) nil)))) (defun draw-graph (tree) (capi:contain (make-instance 'capi:graph-pane :roots tree :children-function 'node-children :layout-function :top-down) :best-height 400 :best-width 400)) to test: (draw-graph '((= (+ (- a b) c))) ) ______________________________________________________________________ Find, Connect, Date!