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Today's overview is about the Beast. This is a small library, written by @stevelosh for describing a game world.

Game world is full of different entities. Each entity has it a type and characteristics or aspects.

"Beast" is a simple wrapper over CLOS, which allows you to define aspects and to mix them when defining a new entity type.

Here is a nice example from projects README:

(define-aspect throwable accuracy damage)
(define-aspect edible nutrition-value)

(define-entity dart (throwable))
(define-entity cheese (edible))
(define-entity pie (throwable edible))

(define-system rot-food ((e edible))
  (decf (edible/nutrition-value e))
  (when (zerop (edible/nutrition-value e))
    (destroy-entity e)))

(defparameter *steel-dart* 
  (create-entity 'dart
    :throwable/accuracy 0.9
    :throwable/damage 10))

(defparameter *hunk-of-swiss*
  (create-entity 'cheese
    :edible/nutrition-value 50))

(defparameter *banana-cream-pie*
  (create-entity 'pie
    :throwable/accuracy 0.3
    :throwable/damage 5
    :edible/nutrition-value 30))

Macro (beast:define-aspect throwable accuracy damage) is expanded into such class-definition:

 (defclass throwable nil
           ((throwable/accuracy :accessor throwable/accuracy :initarg
            (throwable/damage :accessor throwable/damage :initarg
 (defun throwable? (beast::object) (typep beast::object 'throwable))
 (beast::initialize-aspect-index 'throwable)
 (find-class 'throwable))

Macro (beast:define-entity pie (throwable edible)) also transformed into a class which inherits all aspects and also has a class-level slot with a list of aspects:

 (defclass pie (beast:entity throwable edible)
           ((beast::%beast/aspects :allocation :class :initform
             '(throwable edible))))
 (defun pie? (beast::object) (typep beast::object 'pie))
 (find-class 'pie))

Function create-entity not only creates a CLOS instance but also adds it to special indexes of entities of this type and entities having these aspects.

Macro define-system defines two functions:

   (ftype (function ((and beast:entity edible)) (values null &optional))
   (notinline rot-food))
  (defun rot-food (e)
    (decf (edible/nutrition-value e))
    (when (zerop (edible/nutrition-value e)) (beast:destroy-entity e))
  (defun run-rot-food ()
    (let ((#:argument-indexes1011 (gethash 'rot-food beast::*system-index*)))
      (loop :for #:entity1012 :being :the beast::hash-values :of (first
            :do (locally
                    (declare (type (and beast:entity edible) #:entity1012))
                  (rot-food #:entity1012)))))
  (beast::initialize-system-index 'rot-food #'rot-food '((e edible)))

So, this macro defines a code which will be applied to all "edible" objects in the game.

I think Beast is the great library for defining game objects!

You can find more information about this library in its great documentation.

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